Controlling the Packaging Beast: 3 Tips to Manage the Packaging Development Process
Manufacturing top-quality products is never the end of the race. As a manufacturer, there are plenty of aspects you need to work on. These are the product’s promotion, placement, and advertising— and above all, it’s packaging! The packaging is a time-intensive, elaborate process and has too many stakeholders involved. You’ll only be the best product on the table if you work closely with all these stakeholders. Here are a few tips to help you through: Coordinate the suppliers Designing the packaging, getting the designs custom-printed, and getting the final print in place—these are all tricky chores. They take up too much effort, time, and energy. If you’re juggling with all these tasks at once, major miscommunication could happen. To avoid this, make sure you have looped in the suppliers well ahead of the time. Conduct in-depth meetings with the team to discuss the design specifications, label application, and handling. Make sure you’ve conveyed all your preference...