Plastic, Climate Action and Packaging—What Needs to Happen Next?

The production and proliferation of plastic-based products have been extraordinary in the last few decades. To put it simply, we have developed an insatiable addiction to this virtually indestructible material. Studies and statistics have revealed that around 8 million metric tons of plastic is disposed of into the oceans each year, where it wreaks havoc on the marine life, and ultimately, the food chain.
Around half of the 300 million tons of plastic we produce is for single-use purposes, which means that it’s only utilized for a few moments, but remains on the planet for hundreds of years. Moreover, the production of plastic also consumes a huge amount of energy and resources, which makes it a significant contributor to global climate change.

Moving to More Sustainable Packaging Solutions

Thankfully, the global packaging industry is realizing that it’s not prudent to ignore the elephant in the room any longer, which is why the move from single-use plastics to more sustainable packaging solutions is gathering momentum. However, while the global demand for recyclable materials is rising, collection and recycling are far from being globally optimized, especially in some emerging markets. 

Switching to Biodegradable Plastics

It’s undeniable that plastic serves a great purpose. However, it’s vital to seek alternative, eco-friendly solutions such as biodegradable or plat-based plastics. The signs have been promising in this regard. For instance, aluminum and glass have been making a comeback for their ability to refill and reuse.

Improving Connectivity between Different Areas of the Value Chain

The packaging value chain has traditionally included raw materials travelling to brand manufacturing plants and packaging suppliers, to warehouse distribution centers through distribution, and then finally, to the consumer.
Although innovations are happening in different areas of the value chain, the connectivity between these areas is not ideal – and this is what the packaging industry needs to focus on. Moreover, raw materials obviously have the most potential for transformation, with innovative materials such as biodegradable or plant-based materials creating new uses and new ways to recycle.
If different areas of the packaging value-chain can be optimized and connected, there’s no reason for the packaging industry not to overcome some of its most pressing concerns.
Premium Vials is the leading whole supplier of high-quality, environmentally friendly packaging solutions, including whole sale metal containers, clear glass jars, clear child resistant bags, and more. Their recyclable and eco-friendly plastic packaging solutions have helped hundreds of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies succeed. Call (888) 545-3117 for more details or sign up to get your hands on exclusive discounts!


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