Advantages of Screen Printing Glass Bottles vs. Paper Labels

In the year 2020, let’s make your brand packaging go paperless. All the emotions you want to put into your brand message can still be conveyed without using any sort of paper-based labels.  Did you know around 26% of the total waste in our landfill sites comprises of paper? As a brand that aspires to be socially responsible, it’s your job to make sure you’re not contributing to any of that environmental damage.

A more plausible alternative that we suggest is screen printing. Let’s take a look at some other benefits:

Flexible design options

From a branding perspective, you can use the entire bottle as a canvas and play to the max of your designing capabilities. Whether you’ve opted for a bold design or a classic template, you can use as much space as you want to put up the best visual expression. On the flip side, if you’re using a paper label, your design space is limited to the shape and size of the label or the bottle. Screen printing even allows you to put up a tiny logo near the bottle logo, whereas it’ll look absurd if you paste a paper label within the same space.
Screen printing allows you to make use of all sorts of designing techniques including textures, saturated colors, and color grading to maximize the graphic impact.


On a shelf full of paper labels, a screen-printed bottle is more likely to grab the attention of potential customers. It not only differentiates the product from all competitors in any retail setting but also serves as a break from the monotony. Paper labels have been overused for the past couple of decades. Together with the beauty of a nice-looking glass jar, you can use creative designs to leave a memorable impression on the customers.
Screen printing also works for distinct shaped containers that might not hold on to paper labels that well. It might not be easy for you to find a paper label that fits the shape well. With screen printing, no matter how difficult the shape is, printing is never difficult.


Paper labels don’t last too long simply because they’re not waterproof. If you’re selling tea tree oil and are transporting it to beauty stores far and wide, there are high chances of leakages. Even if one of the bottles starts spilling, it can wear off the labels of all other bottles in the same carton. Other factors that may affect the quality of your paper label are scuffing, excessive in-store moisture, and shelf wear.
Screen printing, on the other hand, is waterproof, scratch-resistant, and not susceptible to moisture damage. It’s an ideal choice for companies that sell liquid-based products that may leak/spillover while they’re being shipped. You can also use epoxy or ultraviolet inks to make the decorations stay in place longer.
It’s always more viable to buy glass bottles and jars at a wholesale rate. Get in touch with Premium Vials for premium quality glass and plastic containers at affordable rates. Visit their website to check out their collection. They’re offering impressive discounts on bulk orders, so hurry up! 


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