Laws for Marijuana Packaging and Labeling

The legalization of marijuana and marijuana products in many states has loosened the regulations around them. Marijuana laws have changed over the course of the past few years in all 50 states, but not all states allow the same freehand to marijuana consumers. This is why it’s important to keep track of the progress that has been made by each state so far.

The manufacturers and sellers of these products have to abide by packaging and labeling rules to avoid any legal complications. A few of these laws state that all marijuana packaging must be child-proof and tamper-proof. For the business community, it’s a constant challenge to keep up with changes in laws and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly.
The following are a few regulations for labeling and packaging laws issued in one major state. 


As proposed by the Office of Manufactured Cannabis Safety (OMCS), labeling and packaging of marijuana must follow these rules:

Article 1: 40401 release to distributor as finished product

· A licensed marijuana business must ensure that the product is in its finished form, before handing it over to the distributor. It must also be packaged as a final product for sale and be labeled accordingly.

Article 2: 40403 labeling guidelines

· All instructions or information needed to be delivered must be printed in English on the label.
· The label should be clearly visible and conspicuous.
· All information printed on the label must be clear and visible.

Article 2: 40405 primary panel labeling requirements 

· The primary panel on a marijuana label must contain the following essential information:
a. The product name in text font that’s prominent and clearly visible on the panel.
b. “Cannabis-infused” must be stated clearly before the product name, in bold letters and a larger text font size.
c. The product symbol, as informed by section 40412.
d. The net weight of the product or volume of the product contained in the package.
e. The numerical value of the THC and CBD content in the entire product, stated in milligrams per package.
f. The numerical value of the THC and CBD content in one serving, stated in milligrams per serving.
g. Information about other terpenes and/or cannabinoids per serving, certified and issued by a licensed testing laboratory compliant to business and professions code section 19344.
· The primary panel must contain text in a font size no less than a 6-point font or adjusted relative to the size of the primary panel and package.
This is a brief overview of the marijuana packaging and labeling instructions issued to manufacturers in every state. For more detailed information, visit here.
Similar rules or slight variations can be applied to other states to get a picture of how stringent marijuana regulations are.
Premium Vials is a wholesale provider of packaging solutions such as glass vial bottles and plastic dropper bottles. To meet the packaging requirements of the marijuana industry, it’s also offering glass concentrate containers and medical cannabis labels.  


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