How Packaging Touches Each of the 4 Ps of Marketing

Product, place, promotion and price—the 4 Ps of the marketing mix have been used for years to offer a differential value to customers through a product or service. It’s an important framework that’s utilized to design profitable business plans.

For many years, marketers have been trying to make “Packaging” the fifth “P” of the marketing mix; however, we would disagree. We believe that the product, place, price and promotion are all connected to “Packaging” in one way or the other, and that packaging must be kept in mind while decisions are made related to these 4 Ps.
Here is how we believe packaging has an impact on each of these elements.


Your product is precisely what you sell and without a fraction of doubt, there must be a hundred of companies out there in the market offering the same product.
So, in a retail shop full of similar products as yours, what makes your product stand out?
It’s packaging!
The packaging of your product is not just a wrapper or container; it’s an essential component that makes your brand.
For example, if the target market for your product is health conscious and fitness freak consumers, your packaging should include a nutrient chart and information that entices them to make a purchase.
The information, color, design, and labels; everything on your packaging needs to relay what your product stands for.


Would you pay $50 for a product with sloppy packaging? We don’t think so!
But it’s not only the monetary price that counts; there is another price that’s involved—the emotional price.

Emotional price involves the time and mental process invested into making a purchase decision. Attractive packaging can enhance the perceived value of the product, enabling shoppers to reach out to buy your product without much thought.
Remember, your packaging must reflect the price of your product.


When manufacturing a product, it’s important to consider its placement too. Is the product going to be sold at a retail shop, your brand’s physical store, or online? The placement decision determines the packaging of your products.
For a retail store, your packaging should be such that it protects the product and is easily identified by the retailer to quickly make its way from the inventory on to the shelves.


When a shopper enters a retail store, product packaging and its arrangement can compel the shopper to make a purchase. Your packaging can help you create that buzz, which can trigger shoppers to buy your product impulsively, even if it wasn’t on their list.
A famous retail tycoon, Harry Gordon Selfridge, emphasized more than a hundred years back, “Excite the mind and the hand will reach for the pocket.”
If you’re looking for top-quality packaging solutions to make your brand stand out, get in touch with Premium Vials! The company offers a wide range of packaging including wholesale metal containers, pre-roll bags, box dividers, amber glass jars, clear glass jars and a lot more.
For more information about their products and discounts, call at (888) 545-3117. 


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