Why Is It Important to Protect Your Products from UV Light?

Choosing the right material for packaging products requires research. Overlooking this step can end up ruining the quality of your goods. There are several factors that should be considered before finalizing packaging—and UV exposure is one of them.

Not all materials are resistant to the sun’s rays. Sun exposure can change the molecular composition of many substances, causing physical and chemical changes. That’s why you’ll see light protection labels on many pharmaceutical goods.

Effects of UV Light Exposure

The sun produces a wide spectrum of rays, out of which 95% are absorbed by the ozone layer. But ever since the depletion of the ozone layer, not all of these harmful rays are filtered out. The high-energy UVA and UVB rays aren’t only harmful to humans, but are also highly reactive with several chemical compounds. They can break their bonds and thus change their composition.
This damage is called UV degradation and mostly affects polythene and other synthetic polymers, which include PVC, rubber and neoprene. This can result in dull color, disintegration and cracks in your packaging.
This can also cause photodegradation, which only targets the appearance and color of the packaging. It can change the color of packets or cause a chalky surface on polymers used in textile or artwork.

What to Consider Before Choosing Packaging

From the selection of materials to the degree of sun exposure, there are certain things that should be considered before you choose a packaging solution for your product. Materials like acrylics and different types of glass are stable against UV radiations. Using these materials will minimize damage and preserve the quality of your product.
Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for a suitable packaging option.

Food Packaging

Consumable goods such as beverages and even water can be affected by UV rays. Their color, odor and taste can be altered by the process of photo-oxidation. For such sensitive products, it’s better to use colored glass packaging instead of transparent plastic bottles.


Manufacturing pharmaceutical goods require precise chemical composition. Even a slight change can completely change the purpose of the medicine, leading to health risks. Sunlight poses a threat to photoreactive medication. Such drugs are also sensitive to artificial UV rays and must be stored in colored bottles in a cool and dark place.
If you’re looking for safe packaging solutions, get in touch with Premium Vials. We offer high-quality amber glass jars and custom packaging options for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies. Call us today at (888) 545-3117.


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