Is Cannabis More Effective than Aspirin?
The complexity of the cannabis plant makes it all the more interesting. Given its recent legal status in most states, there are more liberties in exploring the many properties of the compounds of the plant. Its medicinal properties have piqued interests for practitioners and it has been used for pain relief for over 6000 years!
Recently, researchers from the Canadian University of Guelph, are looking into ways to extract compounds from the plant, which can be used to treat chronic pain more organically.
What are cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids are a range of substances that impact the receptors in our bodies and brains and can vary in their structure and origin. These substances are similar in effect to the plant called Cannabis Sativa and fall into three categories. Cannabinoids can be used for synthetic, medicinal or recreational purposes.
The plant is responsible for making as many as 80–100 cannabinoid chemicals and around 300 non-cannabinoid chemicals. The two most widely researched cannabinoids are THC and CBD. The difference between the two is in their properties and henceforth, the kind of effect they can stimulate.
What is the difference between the two compounds?
THC is a psychoactive chemical that can alter a person’s mood and essentially make them feel high. Whereas CBD is what controls this effect and helps to moderate the feeling for an individual. It can even reduce the feelings of anxiety and paranoia that one experiences when ingesting THC.
What are the other benefits of CBD?
There are multiple health conditions, both psychological and physiological, which benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD. Patients of multiple sclerosis tend to get tightened muscles, which can be relaxed with the help of cannabinoids. It can help reduce chronic pain significantly.
Those seeking chemotherapy for cancer treatment experience nausea and vomiting, which can be controlled with CBD. People with cancer and AIDS use CBD to stimulate their appetite and encourage weight gain. CBD can also help kill cancer cells and control tumor growth.
There has been further research on another compound found in the plant called Flavonoids, which is also found in wine, fruits, flowers and tea. These compounds yield anti-inflammatory properties as well, but are not that abundant in the plant.
Canadian scientists are actively working to discover ways to bio-engineer this compound to revolutionize the pharmaceutical industry. It can works as a better painkiller than aspirin, because as a natural ingredient, it’s less likely to have any of the side-effects.
Are you interested in CBD products? Check out Premium Vials for CBD capsules and other products for organic pain-relief solutions. You can also find a range of glass vials and other packaging solutions for sale.
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