The Digital Influence On Product Packaging Aesthetics

The internet has transformed consumer buying behavior and the way companies conduct business, just like it’s changed all aspects of our life in the past two decades. In the present day and age, companies simply can’t market by handing out flyers outside stores. The era of the internet demands that brands market their products in a new way. And that’s why product packaging has never been more important as it’s now in the age of social media and e-commerce.
 In order for the customers to engage with the brand, packaging becomes the primary mode to create an unforgettable consumer experience online. With Instagram and Pinterest changing the way customers interact with the band, the digital influence on product packaging and its aesthetics can’t be downplayed. Here’s how it’s done.

Consumers as Marketers

When we talk about the digital influence of social media, one has to discuss the role of social media influencers. Their role in the promotion of products gives rise to the idea that consumers are themselves marketing the products. Considering that the fan following of these influencers encourages has tremendous reach, products are sent to these influencers as PR packages for promotional purposes. Consequently, the product packaging is dedicated to making the unboxing experience better for the consumer. 

It’s all about the Imagery

According to a study conducted, one of the most influential factors in product packaging design is imagery. Individuals that were part of the study claimed that they often choose products online that contain imagery which catches their attention. The digital advancements have enabled graphics to become part of product packaging, which companies are making use of to create aesthetic packages that fulfill the demands of personalization. 

Brands leveraging social media trends

By monitoring trends, brands have begun to keep track of everything that is being said about their product on social media platforms. Evaluating hashtags on Instagram and keyword searches on Facebook has allowed companies to alter their marketing strategies accordingly. Hence, in order to ensure that the brand gains traction, companies know that their product packaging needs to have the perfect combination of colors, texts and fonts.

In the digital age, consumers are rewarding brands that have the ability to create and relay great content that is relevant to their needs. Packaging is helping marketers who strive to make their products stand out, both in stores and online. If a company wants its product to trend and thrive in the digital world, they should look for good quality packaging. Check out Premium Vials’ wholesale packaging collection and browse through their amber glass jars, mylar bags and barrier bags today!


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