Smell Nice at Your Own Price! How to Make DIY Perfumes
Every girl likes to smell nice but it can be fairly difficult to find the scent that compliments you and your aura. Not to forget store-bought perfumes can be toxic for our health.
However, there are some brands that use organic chemicals to build their long-lasting scents but they’re worth hundreds of dollars!
Let’s face it; you don’t have that kind of money to spend on a little puff here and a little puff there!
So what can you do? Well, you can smell nice at your own price!
That’s right; you can make your own perfume. It’ll be organic, complimentary to your tastes, economic and with our guide, easy to make!
So let’s get started!
Types of Perfumes You Can Make!
1. Water Base Perfume with Alcohol
2. Roll On or Body Spray
3. Solid Perfume
Depending on which type you choose, your ingredients and procedure will vary.
Water base perfume with Alcohol:
This is the most common and easily made type of perfume. You’ll need: essential oils, distilled water, some vodka and jojoba or sweet almond oil.
For your scent to work you usually need to set your notes, these include the top notes, the middle notes and the base notes. These determine how strong the scent is. Start with at least 3 scents, one for each note. Start small and keep adding the scents till you find the combination that you like.
Once, you’ve found the right smell, dilute the mixture with some almond or jojoba oil at hand and blend it with vodka.
Roll On/ Body Spray:
This is an easier perfume to make as it requires less ingredients and the process is quicker. All you need is carrier oil, like jojoba or almond oil and an assortment of your favorite essential oils. Then all you have to do is mix a concoction, keeping in mind the ratio that for every tablespoon of carrier oil, 10 drops of essential oils are added. That’s it! Once you find the perfect blend; the body spray is ready to be sprayed on!
Solid Perfume:
Another DIY favorite perfume is solid perfume. All you need is your regular carrier oils, some essential oils and the key ingredient: beeswax! Working with a ratio of 1 part beeswax and two parts oil, melt your ingredients together. Later, pour the concoction into your container in the ratio of 1 tablespoon of beeswax and oil blend with 10 drops of the essential oils. Let it set and use it to your heart’s content!
No matter which type of perfume you make, you’ll always need a container to preserve it and carry it on you! Therefore, it’s smart to get in touch with a reliable supplier of child resistant dropper bottles and wholesale metal containers, like Premium Vials to store your DIY perfume in a secure place!
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