How Product Packaging Impacts the Millennial Mindset

The first impression your product makes on customers is via its packaging. It represents your values as a brand and manufacturer, while simultaneously marketing your product. And as millennials take over the buyer’s market, the importance of packaging has only increased.
Millennials are the largest living population in the 21st century, and have an annual purchasing power of $170 billion! This leaves the ball firmly in their court when it comes to the sales of your product.
However, millennials are visual buyers; they buy with their eyes, or as the wise Ariana Grande once said, “[they] see it, [they] like it, [they] want it, [they] got it, yeah.” This means that your product packaging plays a significant role in impacting the millennial mindset and winning their loyalty.

What’re They Looking for?

A survey carried out by Accenture, showed that 41% of all buyers indulge in what’s called, ‘showrooming,’ this is the act of visiting retail and grocery stores to look for products and then going online to make the purchase. This means that they will fixate on the packaging of your product before anything else; it’s a central part of them deciding to buy your product.

What Can You Do?

Now that you know that 21st century superficial buyers take to the packaging of your product more than the product itself, there are certain changes in your packaging strategies that you can implement, which will guarantee an influx of buyers.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Research has found that millennials are environmentally conscious; 55% of them are likely to prefer your brand if you claim to support sustainability. Invest in eco-friendly packaging that’s recyclable and reusable to gain their loyalty, while also doing something good for the earth.

Be Innovative

The culture of instant gratification has given birth to a certain ‘lack’ in the lives of millennials. This means that they easily get bored and are never satisfied; always craving novelty and innovation. This tells us that innovation in product packaging can help you lure customers into grabbing your product over others’. Introduce child-resistant packaging for your products; or try investing in leak-proof drop-bottles and concentrate packaging for your edibles. These minor but unique specifications will give your product an edge over others and convince potential buyers that your product is more advanced than the rest.

Be Specific

Millennials don’t have time; or at least that’s what they say. They enjoy products that come with easy identification and specifications already printed on them. For instance, if you’re a medical marijuana supplier, it will help if your packaging came with medical strain Rx labels that detail state regulations and proportions for the ease of use and consumption.
The good thing is that Premium Vials has an extensive range of plastic and glass packaging supplies, also offering medical strain labels for medication like cannabis. All their packaging supplies are FDA approved and 100% recyclable, which make your brand appear eco-friendly. Now you can use your product’s packaging as a marketing tool to lure your client in, who’s most probably a millennial!


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