Why Are E-Liquid Bottles Used To Preserve E-Juices?

Since their introduction in the mid-2000s, the e-liquid/e-juice industry has notably transformed from cultural taboo to the mainstream. People nowadays are switching from regular cigarettes to e-cigarettes at a faster rate, with over 9 million Americans now vaping regularly.
One of the key components in this growing trend has to be “vape liquid” or “e-juice”. E-juice is the fluid that’s used in vaporizers to create vapor. They come in a variety of nicotine levels and flavors, depending on the person’s choice. This liquid is a mixture of food flavoring, water, nicotine, vegetable glycerin or propylene.
The problem with e-juices, like the problem with just about anything is, that e-juice goes bad. The reasons could be the duration of time or external elements.
There isn’t much anyone can do with the product’s expiration date, but the effects of the external elements can be prevented. Those preventive measures can be met with the purchase of e-liquid bottles. E-liquid bottles particularly combat the factors that affect e-juice.
Let’s delve into these factors and how does e-liquid bottles help in these cases:

Temperature Changes

The e-juice constituents are usually fit for room temperature. A pre-set temperature is what allows the flavor ingredients to maintain their properties and keep their taste. When they’re exposed to temperatures higher than normal, it’s possible that certain ingredients in the e-juice would break down or chemically react with the existing components in the liquid under the effect of higher temperatures.

E-Liquid bottles make it easier to store these juices. The packaging acts as a barrier against extreme temperatures.

Effects of Sunlight

Keeping heat in mind, sunlight is probably the biggest culprit in the degradation of e-juices. Heat can have detrimental effects on the liquid. In addition, sunlight produces ultraviolet rays that degrade the fluid.

Ultraviolet rays work in a similar way to heat: it causes the liquid components to break down; however, this happens because of a different process.
Many e-liquid bottles are tinted for the very reason. Tinted e-liquid bottles alleviate the worry of contamination. 

Exposure to Air

Another thing to keep in mind is air exposure to your e-juice. The oxygen in the air can react with the components in the e-juice. This causes oxidation, which may degrade both the flavor as well as the nicotine strength.

Oxygen and nicotine react to form “Cotinine”. This process results in nicotine losing hydrogen and gaining more oxygen, which gradually decreases the concentration of nicotine in the fluid.
Similarly, the components also go through oxidation, which can cause darkening of liquid, gradually turning the flavor bad. E-liquid bottles are able to be sealed tightly to keep air out and prevent oxidation.
If you’re looking for quality e-liquid bottles for preserving e-juices, we recommend contacting PremiumVials. They stock high-quality e-liquid bottles including UV dropper bottles, amber spray bottles, amber glass pump bottles and more. 


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