Different Ways to Consume Medical Marijuana

Using marijuana for medicinal purposes is not a new concept. People have been using it for more than 3000 years to cure muscle spasms and other neurological diseases.
While the FDA hasn’t approved the use of the marijuana plant for medicinal purposes, there are some suppliers that are legally selling medical marijuana in the states that have legalized the use of marijuana to treat various health conditions.
However, as the marijuana plant contains more than 100 cannabinoids, the FDA has approved 2 major chemical compounds mainly found in marijuana flower and topical treatments.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, CBD and THC are the two major cannabinoids that have proved to be medicinally useful. Studies have shown that THC and CBD help reduce pain, inflammation, redness due to muscular problems and have also worked to control epileptic seizures.
Let’s take a look at the different ways to consume marijuana for medicinal purposes.

Smoking and Vaping

The most common way of consuming medical marijuana is by smoking and vaping the dried weed flower.
By rolling a paper joint, or using a bong, pipe or vaporizer to smoke small amounts of cannabis offers instant pain relief.
If you’re suffering from asthma or pulmonary damage, avoid smoking marijuana as it’s bad for your lungs. 


You can also eat food and edibles laced with marijuana, which are also popularly known as edibles. Marijuana edibles take longer to digest (anywhere between 45 minutes to 3 hours) and have long-lasting effects. Brownies, candy, popcorn, pasta, and salads are often infused with marijuana butter and oil to cook edibles for medicinal purposes.

Cannabis Transdermal Patches

Similar to nicotine patches, cannabis transdermal patches are adhered to the skin to release small amounts of cannabinoids into the bloodstream.
It’s an ideal solution to cure different diseases and treat pain symptoms in patients that don’t want to inhale smoke.


Topicals are a great way to avoid ingesting marijuana and staying away from the effects of the psychoactive effects of cannabis plants.
Found in a wide variety of creams, lotions, and balms, topicals are directly applied to the skin and used to relieve sore muscles, cramps, arthritis pain, bruises, and bumps.


Cannacaps are cannabis capsules and pills made using concentrated marijuana oils. Ingested orally, these pills are available in a variety of dosages, which can be used to treat multiple medical issues. Like edibles, cannabis capsules can also take hours to fully present its effects. 


People have been experimenting with tea and different herbs for thousands of years now. With a plethora of tea flavors available in the market, marijuana-infused tea has soothing benefits.
Combined with the antioxidants and phytochemicals present in tea leaves, medical marijuana buds are used to make infused butter that’s added to the tea bag and left to simmer in the hot water.

How to Properly Store Medical Marijuana

Now that you’re aware of the different ways to consume medical marijuana, you need to know how to store cannabis flower, topicals, and edibles properly to retain its freshness and potency.
PremiumVials is a packaging and storage company that offers innovative and creative packaging solutions for marijuana users and producers.
Whether you’re looking for push-and-turn child-resistant vials to store marijuana pills or in search of Mylar barrier bags to store cannabis plant, they have a wide range of stand-up pouches and pop-top containers that offer easy packaging solutions.
Get in touch with them at (888) 545-3117  and order medical marijuana packaging from their dispensary supply! 


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