The Freshness and Safety Advantages of Using Amber Glass Bottles

Have you ever wondered why your syrup medicines, essential oils or certain alcoholic beverages come in amber-colored glass bottles?

Turns out, it’s not just a packaging color choice made by the manufacturer and product designer but an actually important decision that can affect the freshness and safety of the product you’re using.
Different products are stored in bottles of different sizes, shapes, storage capacity, and color. But when it comes to certain products, dark tinted glass bottles are always preferred over lighter ones. Why, you ask?
Amber glass bottles have a lot of advantages to them which make them a popular storage solution. 

It Offers Improved UV Protection

The sun’s rays may be warm but they’re harsh and damaging. Not only can they affect your health, they can also affect the health of the products you may be using. When UV rays come into contact with the contents of a product, they can cause photo-oxidation, thereby decreasing the potency of the product. Amber glass bottles are ideal since they offer protection against UV wavelengths within the 10 nm to 400 nm spectrum.

It Provides Protection from Blue Light

Blue light can have a photochemical reaction with the products of a bottle and lead to product degeneration. If you wish to store your products in a light-blocking storage solution, amber glass bottles can help you protect your product against spoilage.

No Harmful Material Interaction

Plastic containers are hazardous in the sense that they can interact with the materials inside the container which may result in harmful chemicals leaching from the plastic to the contents inside the container.  This is not a problem with amber glass bottles as they don’t have interact with the products stored inside them, making them a great alternative to other options.

Glass is 100% Recyclable

Another safety advantage of using amber glass bottles is that glass is biodegradable and can be recycled or repurposed. Plastic on the other hand is far from being eco-friendly and can be quite toxic for the environment. So, a glass bottle is a more non-toxic and safe alternative. 

Amber Bottles are Cost-Effective

Amber bottles are a less expensive packaging solution than cobalt colored or clear glass bottles, which offer considerably lesser protection against UV rays. Amber glass is a durable and resistant material that last a long time, in contrast to other materials that degenerate over time.
To get the highest quality glass vials and glass bottles, get in touch with PremiumVials. They’re a leading supplier of safe and affordable storage solutions. Buy amber glass jars at affordable pricing from them. 


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