The Challenges Faced By Flexible Packaging Industry

As a manufacturer, you need to pay close attention to packaging. It’s important since it doesn’t just grab the customer’s attention; it also ensures that the product stays fresh for a long time.
Previously, manufactures didn’t have as many packaging options available, however, in the last few years all of that has changed. Flexible packaging has especially become quite popular. However, the industry continues to face certain challenges. These include:

Increase in Cost of Raw Materials

Common raw materials used in flexible packaging industry include plastic, paper, and resins. The problem though is that the prices of raw materials have been increasing in the last few years.
This is especially true in case of Polypropylene. This raw material is used for making resins, bottles and other packaging items but its prices have been steadily increasing. This has had an impact on multiple companies in the flexible packaging industry.


Certain segments have criticized the flexible packaging industry for not paying attention to the environment. They feel that some of the materials that are being used in the industry are not recyclable.
Companies have tried to address these issues but making changes to practices takes time and significant investment.

Perishable Products

There is a lot of pressure on flexible packaging products to not just innovate but also ensure that they provide adequate protection to the contents within. Some of the environmental threats include UV sunrays, temperature fluctuations, and rain.  
Furthermore, the environment conditions vary from region to region therefore, the product needs to be designed accordingly.

Staffing Problems

In spite of the rapid growth, the flexible packaging industry is still facing staffing problems. Many established workers have started leaving the industry and their replacements are struggling with the challenges.
What makes it worse is that the flexible packaging industry is very complex. There are multiple factors that need to be considered like storage, distribution and transportation and new entrants are struggling with it.

How the Industry Is Addressing These Issues

Companies are coming with up innovative products and solutions that will address all of these issues. They have started using flexible packaging films that allow manufacturers to adapt to the needs of customers all over the globe.
Furthermore, they have also come up with designs, which help minimize waste and attract more customers.
PremiumVials is one such company. They offer a wide range of packaging solutions, which include cobalt glass blue jars and amber glass jars. You can contact them at 888-545-3117.


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