Medical Marijuana Packaging 101

Last year marked the most progressive year in the US in terms of legalizing medical marijuana; with 33 states jumping the bandwagon. Therefore, if you’re looking into launching your own medical marijuana dispensary or CannaBrand, it’s probably a good time.
However, there are certain things you must be well-read on before you get your hands dirty.
This blog will discuss all that you need to know about medical marijuana labeling and packaging. So, without further ado, let us begin:

Laws and Regulation:

Just because the use of medical marijuana is legalized in your state, doesn’t mean you’re free to do as you will. In fact, the irony is you’re more cautiously bound by state regulations than ever before.
The supply and purchase of medical marijuana are strictly monitored and regulated with state-specific laws. So not only do you have to educate yourself on the legislation of the state you’re operating in but also label and pack your weed in ways that adhere to the state laws. This means that your medical marijuana must come with medical strain labels that detail proportions and regulations regarding the drug.

CannaBrands or Cannabis Growers:

Growing your own weed comes with a whole new ‘pot’ of considerations. For starters, it’s crucial that your Rx labels contain the amount, weight, strength, dosage, etc. of the drug. Secondly, if you’re supplying a matured plant then you can’t pack it concentrate packaging.
The labeling is beneficial for both, you as a producer and your buyer, because it details what you’re selling and what they’re buying minimizing all chances of miscommunication.


Cannabis edibles are very different from the regular weed that you smoke. This means that their labeling and packaging is different too. For instance, all edible packaging supplies must meet the FDA nutritional standards and must be safe for contact with the edible.

Dispensaries and Retailers:

As the final distributor of the drug, your responsibility with the labeling and packaging is even more critical. Not only do you have to abide by how you should promote and store the drug but also ensure that the client is well aware of the regulations concerning its use and dosage.
With over 62% of Americans now in favor of drug legalization, the medical marijuana market is more profitable than ever. Just get in touch with a reliable packaging supplier like PremiumVials to avail economic packaging solutions and enjoy sales on various supplies!


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