
Showing posts from December, 2018

Glass or Plastic: What’s best for Storing Essential Oils?

Essential oils are extracted from various types of plant. These are then distilled through water or steam, and infused with other ingredients. The concentrated liquids have numerous medicinal and aromatic properties , and are especially popular in the cosmetic industry.  While companies continue to manufacture high quality essential oils, the question remains: how should they package their products? How to Store Essential Oils If you deal exclusively with “pure” essential oils, then you must use glass containers. Essential oils are quite potent, and storing them in glass bottles prevents packaging deterioration. Glass has an inert nature, and thus the oils do not react adversely with the containers as they would if they were made from plastic. A glass vial with an airtight lid is the perfect way to store pure essential oils. When to Use Plastic For diluted essential oils, plastic packaging may be used. However, don’t just use any kind of plastic for your product as the

Safely Storing Glass Jars in a Freezer—Without Breaking Them

Glass jars are no doubt the ultimate choice for storing food. Nobody wants plastic containers leeching toxins and chemicals into their food items. But some people may still choose plastic containers, only because glass jars have the habit of breaking when put into the freezer. Luckily, if you’re careful enough, you can prevent glass jars from breaking in the freezer and do not have to compromise on your health. Just in case, if you do find a glass jar broken with food in it, you must follow FDA guidelines  when dealing with it, as consuming food from a broken glass jar can be dangerous. Here are certain tips to freeze in glass jars: Cooling the food Never put hot food straight from the oven or stove into a glass jar. It could give the glass jar a temperature shock and make it weak. Only when the food is cooler, should you pour it into the jar. But still don’t put the jar in the freezer. When the jar itself cools down, only then put it into the freezer. Preventin

Drug Supply Chain And Security Act- What You Need To Know

Are you familiar with the FDA requirements for correct product handling? Lack of awareness and compliance can get you in trouble with the authorities.  Drug Supply Chain Security Act (DSCSA), outlines the security requirements for all participants of supply chain, namely, manufacturers, packager, storage, wholesale distributors, dispensers, and carriers or third-party logistics. The act was passed in various staged. Initial work on this act began in 2014, but key requirements were introduced later in 2015. Further requirements, standards, product tracing mechanism will be introduced by 2023. Follow the FDA guidelines to avoid potential penalties, lawsuits and supply chain disruption.  Product Identifier To make identification and verification of drugs easier and convenient, manufacturers are required to include product identification labels on packaging and prescription drug cases. Make sure all members of the supply chain are aware and adhering to this law. FDA pass

Logistics And Product Packaging

E-commerce and automated processes have increased the complexity of shipping and packaging products. Different authorities have introduced new packaging standards and regulations to secure consumer’s interest in the most effective manner. All this makes product packaging quite complicated. To make things easier for you, here is a guide. Check product specific regulations Shipping products in national and international markets require a lot of documentation and government approvals. Familiarize yourself with international and national packaging standards. Get necessary certification or licensing to avoid shipping delay, product inspection, and repackaging, resulting from non-compliance. Review inspection and product handling requirement Business that deals with hazardous or special products should learn the handling requirement of that specific product. Does it require special packaging? What kind of labeling is mandatory? Do you need a commercial license? Choose the r

Product Packaging-Essential Factors That Need To Be Considered

Businesses are always on the lookout for effective marketing tools that would set them apart from their competitors. One of the most basic and important marketing tools till date is PACKAGING. It’s the ultimate tool you have to attract consumers from your target market and create awareness about your products. Packaging shouldn’t only be visually appealing, but also durable and functional. If your packaging skimps out any one of the three facets, there are higher chances of your product failing. Before figuring out your product packaging, consider these essentials to make your product a success.   Product-Packaging Factors That Need To Be Considered Packaging categories -  Primary packaging is the inner-most packaging (for example, a bottle for juice). -  Secondary packaging is the material used to pack the products, such as boxes, film wrap, and trays (for example, crates for six bottles of juice). -  Tertiary packaging is the outer-most layer of packaging tha

At the Manufacturing Floor: How are Glass Bottles Made?

Ever wondered how glass is made? While you may have noticed the glass-blowing or blow-molding often used by artist or manufacturers of custom glass designs, they are hardly used by large-scale manufactures. The IS methods have replaced all other methods of glass manufacturing worldwide. It is not clear where the name IS comes from. It could be the acronym of the creators, Ingle and Smith, or they could just be the short form for ‘Individual Section’. The two maim popular methods in the IS methods are: ·  The Press and Blow Method ·  The Blow and Blow Method Molten Glass Before looking at the two different processes, we need to look how glass is actually formed. Before the actual process is begun, glass is first converted into molten glass or plastic glass so that it can be shaped. Usually 90% of the glass stock is soda-lime glass. It consists of silica, calcium oxide, lime and small amounts of aluminum oxide, barium oxide, magnesia, ferric oxide and sulfur trioxide

Tips for Selecting Containers for Growing Plants at Home

Container gardening is quite popular these days. While adding versatility to gardens— large and small— it also serves a practical purpose in terms of providing a convenient spot for hobby gardeners to grow their favorite plants, flowers, herbs and vegetables. The success of container gardening heavily relies on some foundational principles, the most important of which is the selection of the container. Choosing the right container is essential to ensuring healthy growth of plants. Quite often, gardeners select containers as per their personal preferences, ignoring the needs of plants. Ultimately, their plants grow weak and unhealthy and easily die. This article will share some useful tips with home gardeners for selecting containers that will allow their plants to grow healthy and beautiful.  Selecting a container for growing plants at home Plant growth is influenced by three important container specifications: ·  Color ·  Size ·  Shape When it comes to co